Giant Connect 4 (Four in a Row) Wooden Game
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Product Details
Giant Connect 4 ( Four in a row ) Wooden Game
Connect 4 (also known as Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Captain’s Mistress, Four in a Row, Drop Four) is a two-player connection game in which the players first choose a colour and then take turns dropping one coloured disc from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid.
The Rules Are Simple In fact, it is in the name. To win Connect Four, all you have to do is connect four of your coloured checker pieces in a row, much the same as tic tac toe.
This can be done horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Each player will drop in one checker piece at a time. If the board fills up before either player achieves four in a row, then the game is a draw.
Players: 2
Ages: 6 and Up
Includes: 42 playing chips
Comes with a durable and handy carry bag including pockets for the Connect Four pieces.
Size of Vertical grid is 77 x 65 x 6 cm
Weight | 8 kg |
Dimensions | 65 × 6 × 77 cm |